

CIRCLE OIL HAS confirmed a gas discovery in its Base Guebbas target in its Sebou permit, in Morocco’s Rharb basin.

p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">CIRCLE OIL HAS confirmed a gas discovery in its Base Guebbas target in its Sebou permit, in Morocco’s Rharb basin.

THE START UP of the Algerian side of the Medgaz pipeline, exporting natural gas to Spain, is "imminent," according to an Algerian official, after a delay of more than a year.

p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">THE START UP of the Algerian side of the Medgaz pipeline, exporting natural gas to Spain, is "imminent," according to an Algerian official, after a delay of more than a year.


CIRCLE OIL HAS confirmed a gas discovery at its ADD-1 exploration well at the Sebou Permit in Morocco’s Rharb Basin.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"> 

CIRCLE OIL HAS confirmed a gas discovery at its ADD-1 exploration well at the Sebou Permit in Morocco’s Rharb Basin.

UK PLAYER DANA Petroleum has hit gas at the Cormoran-1 exploration well, drilled in Block 7 in Mauritanias offshore play.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">UK PLAYER DANA Petroleum has hit gas at the Cormoran-1 exploration well, drilled in Block 7 in Mauritanias offshore play.

TULLOW OIL HIT gas condensate with the Tweneboa-3 appraisal well, drilled in the deepwater Tano licence off Ghana.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">TULLOW OIL HIT gas condensate with the Tweneboa-3 appraisal well, drilled in the deepwater Tano licence off Ghana.

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