The Sanha Lean Gas Connection (SLGC) project has achieved first gas that is being directed to the Angola LNG Plant (ALNG) via Congo River Crossing Pipeline (CRX)
A project by Chevron-subsidiary Cabinda Gulf Oil Company Limited (CABGOC) and Block 0 partners, around 300 mn st cu/ft of gas is currently being mobilised from the SLGC development before it starts delivering an additional 80 mn st cu/ft. The CRX pipeline will be operating in its full capacity by the time further 220 mn st cu/ft is injected via booster compression module.
To pull off this mega gas supply project from CABGOC base to ALNG, the SLGC facility in Benguela was given a new platform for integration with the existing Sanha facilities and the CRX Pipeline.
"First gas from the Sanha Lean Gas Connection shows CABGOC’s success in maximising value from existing resources in Block 0 while growing capabilities in Angola," said Billy Lacobie, managing director of Chevron's southern Africa Strategic Business Unit. “The Sanha Lean Gas Connection project will help supply gas from Block 0's Sanha field to Soyo power plants and Angola Liquefied Natural Gas (ALNG), serving as a gas hub for CABGOC operations. As a long-term partner, Chevron builds upon a legacy of 70 years of operational excellence in Angola and remains dedicated to continuing to provide reliable, affordable, and lower carbon energy to benefit the people of Angola.”
The Sanha project delivery has largely been in schedule, since Lacobie had explained the company's gas boosting strategies in the region.gas boosting strategies in the region.
The Block 0 concession that lies by the Cabinda coast is operated by CABGOC which has a 39.2% interest. It also enjoys a 31% operated interest in a production-sharing contracts in deepwater Blocks 14, located West of Block 0. CABGOC also holds the largest equity shares at 36.4% in the ALNG project in Soyo, and 31% shares in the Azule Energy-operated New Gas Consortium.
Gas remains an integral part of Angola's asset diversification strategies.