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Canadian energy firm Orca Exploration plans to drill a new well in Tanzania this year and expand an existing facility at a cost of $35mn to boost natural gas production at the Songo Songo field

Algerias state-owned Sonatrach and Spanish utility Gas Natural said they have settled a long-running dispute with a deal that involves the Spanish firm paying US$1.897bn to Sonatrach

BG Group has confirmed that it has set its sights on a two-train onshore LNG export development on Tanzanias coastBG Group has confirmed that it has set its sights on a two-train onshore LNG export development on Tanzanias coast

Victoria Oil & Gas will make its first gas sales from the Logbaba gas and condensate project in Cameroon around October this year, the West Africa-focused British energy firm revealed

p>Victoria Oil & Gas will make its first gas sales from the Logbaba gas and condensate project in Cameroon around October this year, the West Africa-focused British energy firm revealed

Africa-focused independent Gasol will develop a plan for the development of Nigerian offshore licence area OML 114 after signing a project option agreement with indigenous exploration company Moni Pulo Africa-focused independent Gasol will develop a plan for the development of Nigerian offshore licence area OML 114 after signing a project option agreement with indigenous exploration company Moni Pulo

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