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Subsea7 has been awarded a large contract by Azule Energy in the framework of the Agogo Integrated West Hub Development Project, offshore Angola

SOGECO, a leading logistics operator in Mauritania, has celebrated the first year of operational execution of the Grand Tortue-Ahmeyin (GTA), a gas project located on the border between Mauritania and Senegal

PetroChad Mangara (PCM), Perenco’s wholly owned Chad subsidiary, announced the startup of natural gas-generated power at the Moundou Power Station in Chad 

Global energy major, bp, and its partner in the Cayar Offshore Profond block, Kosmos Energy, are making significant progress on the Yakaar-Teranga gas project, located offshore Senegal 

Libya’s National Oil Corporation (NOC) announced a new partnership with Italy’s ENI for the development of two new plots containing expected gas reserves of 6 tn cu/ft, and an estimated production capacity of 750 mn cu/ft of gas per day for a period of 25 years 

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