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Chariot, an Africa-focused transitional energy group, has received approval for its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) from the Moroccan Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development on the Anchois gas development project offshore Morocco 

The EIA process for Anchois was conducted over a 12 month period and was informed by:

onshore and offshore environmental and social baseline surveys

an open and transparent stakeholder engagement programme held in conjunction with relevant parties

a public enquiry process which spanned four local provinces

The final report sets out the requisite planning, mitigation and monitoring measures to follow during construction and production.

The EIA integrates recommendations from the National Environmental Committee, is valid for five years and covers all aspects of the development including future wells and offshore infrastructure, the onshore Central Process Facility and link to the GME pipeline.

Pierre Raillard, head of gas business and Morocco country director at Chariot commented, "Securing approval of this EIA is a major milestone for Anchois and is the culmination of extensive time and teamwork that has gone into this critical process. This is a key building block for sanctioning the project’s development, alongside other activities such as our partnering process which is close to conclusion. On behalf of Chariot, I would like to thank the National Environmental Committee and the Ministry for their endorsement and support. I would also like to thank the Chariot team, our partner ONHYM and our consultants who collaborated so closely across all workstreams. We are fully committed to ensuring that Anchois is developed in line with best practice as set out in the report."