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Event News

Senegal to launch next oil, gas licensing round in October at AOP 2019

Exploration hotspot Senegal will launch its next oil and gas licensing round at the Africa Oil & Power 2019 Conference & Exhibition, to be hosted 9-11 October in Cape Town

Tanzania’s minister of energy to provide updates on 2022 LNG plant construction

Tanzania’s Energy Minister Medard Kalemani will give updates on the recently announced plans for a syndicate of oil companies to commence construction of the US$30bn LNG project in 2022

South Sudan to launch oil, gas licensing round at two strategic conferences

Awow Daniel Chuang, South Sudan’s minister of petroleum, will announce South Sudan’s 2020 oil and gas licensing round at two strategic conferences this October

4th MSGBC Basin Summit & Exhibition returns to Senegal

The MSGBC Basin Summit & Exhibition is an event dedicated to exploring oil and gas opportunities in the MSGBC Basin, Mauritania, Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau and Guinea Conakry

Digital transformation of oil, gas industry in MENA continues to be fast tracked

Digital transformation of the oil and gas industry in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) continues to be fast-tracked, as energy companies across the region ramp up investment in technologies supporting faster and leaner exploration and production and optimisation of costs

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