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Event News

Uganda trade minister addresses UIOGS on local content and diversification

Amelia Kyambadde, Uganda’s minister for trade, industry and cooperation, stressed the importance of meeting and exceeding local content requirements and diversifying the economy beyond oil and gas when she addressed the Uganda International Oil & Gas Summit (UIOGS) in Kampala yesterday

Equatorial Guinea to host the 5th GECF Summit

Ministers and heads of state from all nations of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) will meet in Malabo to discuss the future of natural gas in the energy mix

South Sudan announces promotion of licensing round

South Sudan’s Minister of Petroleum Awow Daniel Chuang will announce the country’s 2020 oil and gas licensing round at South Sudan Oil & Power 2019

Uganda is ready for business - Energy Minister Irene Muloni

Irene Muloni, Uganda’s Minister for Energy and Mineral Development, highlighted the country’s readiness for business, stressing ‘the environment for international investment is set’ and welcoming ‘more companies to join’

Angola to be represented at Africa Oil Week

More than 85 countries, which are involved in Africa’s oil and gas industry, will be represented at Africa Oil Week in Cape Town from 4-8 November, with Angola being the first in a series of profiles of these countries

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