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Event News

The future of oil production in South Sudan

With the third largest oil reserves in sub-Saharan Africa, the Republic of South Sudan has the means to increase its per capita GDP and put the country on the road to self-sufficiency

Africa’s energy industry to gather at ADIPEC 2019 to set agenda for 2020

African energy officials and the public and private sectors will gather at ADIPEC in Abu Dhabi on 11-14 November to set the industry agenda for 2020

Minister of Energy to outline investment opportunities in Tanzania’s oil and gas industry

Medard Kalemani, minister of energy, United Republic of Tanzania, will outline the strategies to boost Tanzania’s industrialisation powered by oil and gas and highlight the investment opportunities the latest project developments will bring to the country at the third Tanzania Oil & Gas Congress

Regulation, financing move sharply into focus in run-up to Africa Oil Week 2019

South African Minister of Minerals and Energy, Gwede Mantashe, has just confirmed his attendance at the African Oil Week (AOW) in Cape Town

Uganda president confident of resolving Tullow-Total impasse

President Museveni told delegates at the Uganda International Oil & Gas Summit (UIOGS) that he plans to meet oil company leaders at the UN General Assembly to resolve an impasse that has halted work in s major Albertine Graben block

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