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Geology & Geophysics

ENERGULF HAS SIGNED a contract with CGE (China National Administration of Research Institute of Coal Geophysical Exploration) to conduct the upcoming 2D seismic acquisition program on its Lotshi Block located onshore in the DRC.   The high quality seismic survey is planned to commence by late summer following the receipt of the necessary exploration permits.

TGS-NOPEC GEOPHYSICAL Company (TGS) has completed processing and interpretation of two new multi-client programs in Somaliland. Acquired in partnership with the Somaliland Ministry of Water and Mineral Resources (Ministry),

CGGVERITAS WILL ACQUIRE two 2D seismic surveys offshore Gabon. The surveys will focus on Gabons deepwater pre-salt region and provide data to complement the 10th Gabonese Licensing Round, which will take place between June and December 2010.

ROXAR ASA, A technology solutions provider to the upstream oil and gas industry, has announced the release of Tempest™ 6.5, the latest version of its advanced reservoir simulation software suite.