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UK-BASED BG Group has confirmed that gas production at Phase V at the West Delta Deep Marine (WDDM) concession, off Egypt, has come on stream.
UK-BASED BG Group has confirmed that gas production at Phase V at the West Delta Deep Marine (WDDM) concession, off Egypt, has come on stream.

WHITE NILE PETROLEUM Operating Co., or WNPOC, has discovered significant amounts of dry, non-associated natural gas in onshore block eight, according to the company’s Vice President Ali Faroug Abbas.

OVER THE PAST decades, rapidly growing energy demands have let for an expanding market for LNG.

OVER THE PAST decades, rapidly growing energy demands have let for an expanding market for LNG.

AS A BOOST to its plan of extending natural gas infrastructure beyond Lagos to other parts of Nigeria, Oando Gas and Power has secured the Right of Way (ROW)

EQUATORIAL GUINEA IS forging ahead with a gas gathering project that it hopes will double the countrys output, deepen links with gas-hungry European nations and provide electricity to Cameroon. Germanys E.ON Ruhrgas, Spains Union Fenosa and Portugals Galp Energia will help state gas company Sonagas complete a draft gas master plan for Equatorial Guinea by the end of the summer, according to Gabriel Obiang Lima, Deputy Mines and Energy Minister.

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