AS A BOOST to its plan of extending natural gas infrastructure beyond Lagos to other parts of Nigeria, Oando Gas and Power has secured the Right of Way (ROW)
Guinea eyes European gas hub
EQUATORIAL GUINEA IS forging ahead with a gas gathering project that it hopes will double the countrys output, deepen links with gas-hungry European nations and provide electricity to Cameroon. Germanys E.ON Ruhrgas, Spains Union Fenosa and Portugals Galp Energia will help state gas company Sonagas complete a draft gas master plan for Equatorial Guinea by the end of the summer, according to Gabriel Obiang Lima, Deputy Mines and Energy Minister.
Dana strikes gas
DANA PETROLEUM HAS made a significant gas discovery at Anchois in the Tanger-Larache licence off Morocco. The Anchois-1 well lies about 40 km from the coast and was drilled to a total depth of 2435 m.