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Egypt hosted the signing of the East Mediterranean Gas Forum’s (EMGF) statute in a virtual ceremony on 22 September, formalising its status as an inter-governmental organisation that aims to foster cooperation between regional gas producers, consumers and transit countries

Eni and BP have announced a gas discovery in the Great Nooros area, located in the Abu Madi West Development Lease, in the conventional waters of the Nile Delta, offshore Egypt

Africa’s natural gas projects are crucial to the energy transition and economic development in the region and can be used to power industrialisation while reducing the emissions released into the atmosphere, said to Leye Falade, general manager of production at Nigeria LNG (NLNG) at ADIPEC Energy Dialogue

Total E&P Mozambique Area 1, operator of the Mozambique LNG project, has signed a MoU with the government of Mozambique regarding the security of Mozambique LNG project activities