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The Nigerian senate passed a motion on 30 May 2017 to halt a concession agreement with the regional unit of Italian firm Eni to repair, operate and maintain (ROM) Nigeria’s Port Harcourt refinery, on the ground of the deal’s lack of transparency

In its financial result statement for 2016, Nigeria’s leading oil and gas producer Lekoil Limited has highlighted that the company will remain focused on the commercial production at Otakikpo asset, and advance towards developing its Ogo oil discovery

The South Sudanese Ministry of Petroleum has launched a public tender to perform an audit and produce a report on the countrys petroleum sector

With the Ghana Summit as a backdrop, the Scottish Oil and Gas Trade Mission will be in Accra next week to forge new links between Scottish businesses and Ghanaian partners

Dangote group has contracted DuPont Clean Technologies to supply a range of proprietary equipment for the construction of a new oil refinery in Nigeria, a contract that aims to help Dangote’s emissions requirements and to meet gasoline pool octane for the new refinery

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