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 CWC School for energy are offer training course which addresses fiscal, economic and financial imperatives of oil and gas projects which will reflect E&P activity in Ghana

 CWC School for energy are offer training course which addresses fiscal, economic and financial imperatives of oil and gas projects which will reflect E&P activity in Ghana

The school has a new Oil & Gas Fiscal & Economic Frameworks training course to Accra, Ghana taking place from 22 – 23 June 2011.

The course is designed to help:

  • Speed up decision making processes by maximising your reserve policy
  • Gain the right knowledge to achieve a successful Final Investment Division
  • Understand how to monitor and forecast budgets

The course is being lead by M. A Mian, M. Sc Petroleum Engineering & M. SC Mineral Economics.  Mian is a Petroleum Engineering Consultant with Saudi Aramco.  He has over 30 years of diversified experience in petroleum engineering, project economics and decision analysis.

For further information on this course or to request a PDF brochure please contact us on +44 207978 0085 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.