
Oil giant Total has announced development plans for the US$10bn offshore Moho Nord project in Congo (Brazzaville)

The company is the operator of the Moho-Bilondo license in Congo. The Moho Nord project consists of the Moho-Bilondo Phase 1bis and Moho Nord projects.

The company has said that it was expecting output form the oil field to reach 140,000 bpd in 2017.

Located approximately 75km from Pointe-Noire and 25km west of N'Kossa in water depths ranging from 450 meters to 1,200 meters, the Moho Nord project will target additional reserves in the southern part of the license and new reserves in the northern part.

Total Upstream president Yves-Louis Darricarrère said, “The development of Moho Nord marks another milestone in Total’s long-established presence in the Congo (Brazzaville) and leverages our demonstrated expertise in successfully managing major projects, especially in the deep offshore. The launch enhances visibility on Total's production growth objective.”

The project marks the latest step in developing the license, following on from Moho Bilondo Phase 1E, brought on stream in 2008.