
Huber Kaltemaschinenbau offers a number of measuring equipment for installation in the temperature control circuit in order to measure and control the flow rate

The flow rate is visible on the controller and can be controlled through the digital interfaces. According to Huber, in addition to this it is also possible to control the flow rate using flow on Unichiller or Unistat, which features an integrated VPC bypass or external VPC bypass.

The flow metres are available in various designs, depending on model and temperature control device, noted the firm, which specialises in the development and construction of temperature control systems. Huber said the system covers flow rates between 0.2 and 750 litres per minute and working temperatures from -125 to +425 degrees celsius.

The company added that flow measure equipment can be used to undertake simple tasks including determining kinetic/dynamic features of reaction syntheses and crystallisation, inspections of heat quantities and scale-up testing.

The new E-grade “Explore” allows Unistats to display or request the current system capacity as well as of the temperarture differences, supporting the development and optimising of chemical processes.