

The impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill will result in oil and gas pipeline installations coming under far greater scrutiny from industry regulators over the coming months and years.

p>The impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill will result in oil and gas pipeline installations coming under far greater scrutiny from industry regulators over the coming months and years.

Dron & Dickson, specialist in design, supply and maintenance of hazardous area electrical equipment has announced two strategic partnerships with agents in North Africa and the United Arab Emirates

Demand for premium jack-up rigs is set to climb with Brazil and West Africa poised to be hotbeds for deepwater drilling, offshore builder Sembcorp Marine believes

RBG, provider of inspect, assess and repair (IAR) services to the global energy industry has completed a major project with Verkade NDT Services GmbH to inspect corrosion under pipe supports at the SAPREF (Shell and BP South African Petroleum Refineries (Pty) Ltd) refinery in Durban, South Africa

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