Apex International Energy (Apex) announced that the Fajr-8 development well was tested at a daily rate of 2,440 barrels of oil and negligible water
Mauritanian Energy Ministry and NOC partner with Energy, Capital & Power
Sandra Jeque, international conference director for Energy Capital & Power (ECP), met with Ahmed Vall Mohameden, adviser to the minister for cooperation and communication to forge a partnership for the promotion of Mauritania’s energy sector
Peak oil may be three years away: McKinsey
The energy transition continues to accelerate, with oil demand projected to peak in this decade, perhaps as soon as 2025, according to new research by leading global consultancy, McKinsey & Company
Petronor establishes production from first Litanzi infill wells in Congo (Brazzaville)
PetroNor E&P has provided an update on first production from the Litanzi infill drilling programme in Congo
BUTEC Group completes takeover of ENGIE’s 17 energy services companies in Africa
The UAE’s BUTEC has completed the takeover of 17 Energy Services companies in Africa previously owned by the energy global player, ENGIE Group