
Eni has confirmed that the company’s CEO Claudio Descalzi received a warranty notice by the Prosecution office in Milan, Italy, alleging that Descalzi did not disclose, as per art. 2629 bis of the Italian Civil Code, a potential conflict of interest with regards to the relations between Eni Congo S.A. and the group Petroservice

Concerning the accusation against Descalzi, the company reaffirms that it has already concluded thorough investigations (over about a year), which were outsourced by its controlling committees (Control and Risk Committee and the Board of Statutory Auditors), to independent, third-party consultants (legal and technical).

These investigations have excluded any breaches and behaviours in favour or against Eni, aimed at benefitting service suppliers (and in particular Petroservice, for the relevance of this case.)

According to Eni, the investigations undertaken confirm that the tenders won by Petroservice took place within a competitive framework and in substantial respect of the existing tendering procedures.

Eni’s CEO Claudio Descalzi said, “I firmly reject the alleged accusation. It is without any foundation. The transactions between Eni Congo and the company Petroservice were never the subject of my consideration and decision, as fully outside my role.”

“Furthermore, I would like to underline that, had I found myself, or had been aware of being, in a situation of conflict of interest, I would have not had any problem to disclose it, as required by Eni’s procedures and the law. I am totally certain that I have always behaved lawfully, in an honest way, in the interest of the company and of its shareholders. I am confident I will be able to demonstrate that, beyond any reasonable doubt,” he added.