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Geology & Geophysics

TGS announced its first new multi-client 3D survey offshore Gambia.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">TGS announced its first new multi-client 3D survey offshore Gambia.

Fugro Airborne Surveys has been contracted by Beach Petroleum (Tanzania) Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Beach Energy Ltd., for the acquisition and processing of Airborne Gravity Gradiometer (AGG) and High-Resolution Airborne Magnetic (HRAM) data obtained using the FALCON AGG system.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Fugro Airborne Surveys has been contracted by Beach Petroleum (Tanzania) Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Beach Energy Ltd., for the acquisition and processing of Airborne Gravity Gradiometer (AGG) and High-Resolution Airborne Magnetic (HRAM) data obtained using the FALCON AGG system.

EXPANDING ON THE capabilities provided by our Processing & Imaging Center that has been operating in Luanda, Angola for over 10 years, CGGVeritas has opened a new Geology & Geophysics (G&G) Center. The new center will provide training, interpretation and reservoir modeling for prospect generation and field development projects.

p>EXPANDING ON THE capabilities provided by our Processing & Imaging Center that has been operating in Luanda, Angola for over 10 years, CGGVeritas has opened a new Geology & Geophysics (G&G) Center. The new center will provide training, interpretation and reservoir modeling for prospect generation and field development projects.

BGP PIONEER HAS successfully performed an under-shoot using two vessels in the Gulf of Guinea.

p>BGP PIONEER HAS successfully performed an under-shoot using two vessels in the Gulf of Guinea.

SEABIRD AND SONAR announced the signing of an Interim Agreement with Shell Nigeria E&P for the acquisition of an ocean bottom node seismic survey in Nigeria.

p>SEABIRD AND SONAR announced the signing of an Interim Agreement with Shell Nigeria E&P for the acquisition of an ocean bottom node seismic survey in Nigeria.

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