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EXPANDING ON THE capabilities provided by our Processing & Imaging Center that has been operating in Luanda, Angola for over 10 years, CGGVeritas has opened a new Geology & Geophysics (G&G) Center. The new center will provide training, interpretation and reservoir modeling for prospect generation and field development projects.

p>EXPANDING ON THE capabilities provided by our Processing & Imaging Center that has been operating in Luanda, Angola for over 10 years, CGGVeritas has opened a new Geology & Geophysics (G&G) Center. The new center will provide training, interpretation and reservoir modeling for prospect generation and field development projects.

The new G&G Center was launched in collaboration with senior management at SONANGOL EP Exploration and will house over 25 geoscientists from Angola and around the world to provide a broad range of technical expertise including Hampson-Russell software and services. The center will also host CGGVeritas University to offer a unique catalog of leadership and technology training courses in geology, geophysics, petrophysics and reservoir engineering.

Strongly supporting the introduction of the new G&G Center, SONANGOL believes that access to enhanced training and the ability to perform more reservoir projects in-country are critical to the development of the petroleum services industry in Angola.

Lionel Lhommet, Executive Vice President, Geomarkets & Global Marketing, CGGVeritas, said: “We are honoured to increase our presence in Angola. The Luanda G&G Center is an important resource for expanding the services we provide and for working more closely with the Angolan E&P industry to support an enhanced understanding of the region’s considerable hydrocarbon potential.”