
 SPECTRASEIS, PROVIDER OF low frequency (LF) seismic solutions to the upstream oil and gas industry, announced the launch of a new borehole receiver array for low frequency and microseismic measurements. The announcement was made at the 72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition recently held in Barcelona.em> SPECTRASEIS, PROVIDER OF low frequency (LF) seismic solutions to the upstream oil and gas industry, announced the launch of a new borehole receiver array for low frequency and microseismic measurements. The announcement was made at the 72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition recently held in Barcelona.

The new 4.4" OD (outside diameter) tool, which features six levels of high-sensitivity active receivers, has been designed for multiple downhole applications, including LF seismic surveys and microseismic monitoring projects. It is designed to be safely deployed and recovered on a tubing string in casing as small as 5.5" OD and in wells with temperatures of up 70°C. Scheduled for delivery in October 2010, the tool has been developed by Spectraseis through the integration of a group of scientists and specialist engineering firms. The first deployment is planned shortly afterwards. It includes the following features:

Broadband recording

The tool acquires three-component broadband measurements from 0.1 to 1000 Hz, allowing for both low frequency and

microseismic applications.

High-sensitivity receivers

Active geophones capable of recording wavefields to -190 dB are used in a multi-component configuration to fully sample weak, ambient or induced seismic activity.

Multi-level array

The receiver array has six independent levels to facilitate source localisation and directional analysis with adjustable vertical configurations.

Deployable in deviated wells

A specially-designed gimbaling mechanism allows for accurate measurements in boreholes which are deviated up to 24 degrees.

Safe deployment

A high degree of deployment confidence is a key design feature. The tool is fully self-contained and operates autonomously, with no cables running to the surface. All data is recorded and digitised downhole, using onboard power sufficient for up to eight days of deployment.

Rob Habiger, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Spectraseis, commented:

"This new broadband multi-level receiver array is unique in providing a highly sensitive, safe and flexible downhole tool that can be used in a wide range of geophysical applications.

Our program for the tool includes measurements in multiple wellbores combined with surface LF data acquisition. I look forward to seeing a number of successful deployments over the coming months."