
Encouraging imaging in the pre-Messinian section is already apparent in this pseudo relief image from the early-out KPSDM full stack volume through Merneith & Luxor MC3D. (Image source: PGS)

PGS has announced that early-out data is now available for the EGY23 Merneith & Luxor MultiClient programme 

This provides the first 3D seismic data over the deepwater area between the Nile delta and the Herodotus Basin.

Acquired with Ramform vessels and GeoStreamer broadband technology, the 6,175 sq km EGY23 Merneith & Luxor survey draws on the expertise of PGS's partners the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS). The GeoStreamer-acquired data covers both low and high-frequency information that can make a huge difference in interpreting structures and analysing rock property. 

The survey cracked into an underexplored and unlicensed deepwater area and extracted 3D data from the region, marking a significant upgrade from the currently available 2D data.

A Messinian evaporite layer of variable thickness extends across most of the area. The survey is tied to the Kiwi-1 well, one of the few wells in this deepwater area, and primary targets are likely to be presalt Oligo-Miocene structures with clastic reservoirs.