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TOTAL E&P ANGOLA and BP Angola (Block 18) BV let a contract to Acergy SA for the installation of more than 70 km of pipeline from Angola’s Block 2 to the onshore pipeline for the 5.2 million tonne/year Angola LNG liquefaction facility near the town of Soyo in Zaire province.


DUBLIN-BASED PETROCELTIC International has found gas in the AT-1 probe drilled to test the Ain Tsila field in Algeria’s Isarene permit.

Today’s gas-to-liquids technology offers real commercial advantages to countries like Nigeria which produce far more associated gas than they can sell.

SAIPEM HAS WON a new onshore contract in Algeria worth approximately US $580mn. Sonatrach awarded Saipem the EPC contract for gas pipeline GK3 — lot 3, covering the engineering, procurement and construction of a gas transportation system.

IN THE DISOUQ concession in the Egyptian Onshore Nile Delta, the well Sidi Salem South East-1x found the Messinian formation gas bearing for the fifth time.

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