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The chairman and managing director of SONATRACH, Rachid HACHICHI and the chairman and managing director of the Turkish Company BOTAŞ, Abdulvahit FİDAN, have signed an agreement on the sale and purchase of liquefied natural gas (LNG), intended for the Turkish market 

Through this agreement, the two parties agreed, in particular, to extend their cooperation for a period of three years, thus strengthening their long-standing partnership in the field of gas.

As a reminder, BOTAŞ is a public company specialising in supplying the Turkish market with gas. SONATRACH has been supplying LNG, through a long-term contract, to the BOTAŞ company since 1988.

The signing ceremony of this agreement took place at the level of the Presidency of the Republic, in the presence of the President of the Algerian Republic, Abdelmadjid TEBBOUNE and his counterpart, the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip ERDOGAN and this, on the sidelines of his official visit to Algeria.