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IN THE DISOUQ concession in the Egyptian Onshore Nile Delta, the well Sidi Salem South East-1x found the Messinian formation gas bearing for the fifth time.
The block covers an onshore area of 5,375 sq km within the densely populated farmland of the Nile Delta region of Egypt. The Sidi Salem South East-1x well is the eighth well to be drilled by RWE Dea in the Disouq Concession. It is located 11.5 km southwest of the North West Sidi Ghazy-1x discovery, drilled by RWE Dea in 2009. Following the five successful Messinian wells, the sixth exploration well (Disouq-2x) will be drilled to test another potential Messinian structure in addition to the basal Pliocene sand of the Kafr El Sheikh formation.
The exploration well was spudded on April 1, 2009 and drilled to a total depth of 2,656 m within the Late Miocene. The well encountered a gas bearing reservoir interval with a total of 40 m column. Formation evaluation and Modular Dynamics Tester Tool (MDT) confirmed the presence of gas within interval of 2,5875 to 2,626 m. The prospect is based on a seismic anomaly within the Upper Messinian succession, which shows direct hydrocarbon indicators (DHI) conformable with a three-way dip closure at the top of the Messinian succession.
RWE Dea, as an operator, can look back on almost three decades of oil production in the Gulf of Suez. In recent years the company made a number of major gas discoveries in Egypt and boosted its activities considerably with the acquisition of additional concessions. RWE Dea has a total of 15 onshore and offshore concessions in Egypt, across a concession area of about 15,500 sq km.