
The latest in a string of natural gas discoveries in Mozambique have been announced by Italian firm Eni

The discoveries were made at the Mamba South 2 and Coral 2 delineation wells within the Mamba Complex in Area 4 offshore Mozambique.

According to Eni, the two wells were the sixth and seventh wells drilled back to back in Area 4 and add more than six tcf to the area's resources.

The Italian exploration and production company said it now planned to drill the Coral 3 and Mamba South 3 delineation wells back-to-back as it looks to assess the full potential of discoveries made in the Mamba Complex. These latest discoveries confirm that at least 68 tcf of gas in place has already discovered in the complex.

Operator Eni holds a 70 per cent participating interest in Area 4, while Galp Energia, Korea Gas Corporation and Mozambique's national oil company ENH each carry a 10 per cent interest.