
Todays fuel treatment and engine-generator technologies help make biogas a highly attractive and climate-friendly energy source for power generation and heating 

Biogas is a sustainable, economical, and efficient alternative to fuels such as diesel and natural gas. Using biogas from organic waste to power cat biogas generators, one can reduce greenhouse (GHG) emission, generate revenue sharing gas and energy with the grid network, reclaim valuable land normally used for wastewater purification and eliminate odour and pest issues.

Cat biogas generators are specifically engineered to withstand the rigours of biogas applications, and have been designed to help maximise the long-range cost savings and environmetnal benefits from biogas. The key components are hardened against the corrosive properties of the gas, maximising longevity and efficient operation. The Cat generator handles variations in methane content with ease, while optimising efficient, effective conversion of the gas to electrical power. When a combined heat and power (CHP or cogeneration) system is added to the infrastructure, the efficiencies increase still further, generating electrical and thermal energy that can be used to provide space heat and/or hot water to your site.

With a Cat Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system, user can lower their operating costs and emissions and increase energy efficiency. A Cat cogeneration system can help increase efficiency up to 90%. 

Today’s fuel treatment and engine-generator technologies help make biogas a highly attractive and earth-friendly energy source for power generation and heating.