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CANADAS SEA-DRAGON said its al-Ola X-1 well on Egypts Northwest Gemsa concession had reached total depth of 14,323 ft in the Nukhul formation, having successfully encountered two oil bearing columns and strong gas shows that could significantly add to the field reserves.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">CANADAS SEA-DRAGON said its al-Ola X-1 well on Egypts Northwest Gemsa concession had reached total depth of 14,323 ft in the Nukhul formation, having successfully encountered two oil bearing columns and strong gas shows that could significantly add to the field reserves.

CROSCO INTEGRATED DRILLING & Well Services has won a drilling contract from Croatia’s Ina in Egypt.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal;">CROSCO INTEGRATED DRILLING & Well Services has won a drilling contract from Croatia’s Ina in Egypt.

ALGERIA PLANS TO double its oil and gas exploration efforts within the next three years, the state energy company has announced, signalling a possible shift in strategy.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm; font-weight: normal;">ALGERIA PLANS TO double its oil and gas exploration efforts within the next three years, the state energy company has announced, signalling a possible shift in strategy.

Statoils partners in block 15/06 announce an oil discovery in the Cabaça South East-2 well in block 15/06, located offshore Angola.tatoils partners in block 15/06 announce an oil discovery in the Cabaça South East-2 well in block 15/06, located offshore Angola.

TULLOW OIL HAS completed the US$1.35bn acquisition of Heritage Oil’s interests in two blocks in Uganda.

p align="left" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">TULLOW OIL HAS completed the US$1.35bn acquisition of Heritage Oil’s interests in two blocks in Uganda.

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