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US explorer Hyperdynamics has signed a contract with Aberdeen-based AGR Peak Well Management to manage its exploration drilling project offshore Guinea-Conakry.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">US explorer Hyperdynamics has signed a contract with Aberdeen-based AGR Peak Well Management to manage its exploration drilling project offshore Guinea-Conakry.

São Tomé and Principes national petroleum agency has announced that six oil companies have taken up offers to prospect for oil off the Gulf of Guinea archipelago.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">São Tomé and Principes national petroleum agency has announced that six oil companies have taken up offers to prospect for oil off the Gulf of Guinea archipelago.

Tullow, Anadarko, Kosmos, Ghana National Petroleum, Sabre Oil and Gas and E.O. Group announced that first oil from the Jubilee field, offshore Ghana, is scheduled for December 15, 2010.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Tullow, Anadarko, Kosmos, Ghana National Petroleum, Sabre Oil and Gas and E.O. Group announced that first oil from the Jubilee field, offshore Ghana, is scheduled for December 15, 2010.

Five years ago, Ghana was widely regarded as a high-risk, low-reward deepwater play. Events since have consigned that view to history, with Jubilee, the first of a series of major discoveries, due to come onstream before year-end.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Five years ago, Ghana was widely regarded as a high-risk, low-reward deepwater play. Events since have consigned that view to history, with Jubilee, the first of a series of major discoveries, due to come onstream before year-end.

Total have announced that the Gabonese government has approved the acquisition by its subsidiary Total Gabon of interests in three onshore exploration licenses in the sedimentary basin of Gabon.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Total have announced that the Gabonese government has approved the acquisition by its subsidiary Total Gabon of interests in three onshore exploration licenses in the sedimentary basin of Gabon.

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