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Tower Resources says processing is of 3D seismic in License 0010 offshore Namibia is around two-thirds complete.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">Tower Resources says processing is of 3D seismic in License 0010 offshore Namibia is around two-thirds complete.

Norways DNO International has hit dust with the Chite-1 wildcat, drilled on the Inhaminga Block in Mozambique.p>Norways DNO International has hit dust with the Chite-1 wildcat, drilled on the Inhaminga Block in Mozambique.

LIBYA DOES NOT expect to issue any new oil concession licences next year, the chairman of its National Oil Corporation has announced.p>LIBYA DOES NOT expect to issue any new oil concession licences next year, the chairman of its National Oil Corporation has announced.

TURKISH PETROLEUM OVERSEAS Company (TPOC) has made another oil find in Libya.

TPOC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of state-run TPAO, hit oil in Area 147, Libyas National Oil Company said.

Tests showed an oil flow rate of 685 bpd, it said.


URKISH PETROLEUM OVERSEAS Company (TPOC) has made another oil find in Libya.

TPOC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of state-run TPAO, hit oil in Area 147, Libyas National Oil Company said.

Tests showed an oil flow rate of 685 bpd, it said.


DR. SHOKRI GHANEM, Chairman of the National Oil Corporation recently inaugurated the NC100 field of the Arabian Gulf Oil company (AGOCO) (one of the national companies fully owned by NOC) to put the producing wells on the production line.p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">DR. SHOKRI GHANEM, Chairman of the National Oil Corporation recently inaugurated the NC100 field of the Arabian Gulf Oil company (AGOCO) (one of the national companies fully owned by NOC) to put the producing wells on the production line.

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