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Libya generated more than US$5bn revenues from sales of crude oil, gas, condensates and petrochemicals in the second half of this year, noted the countrys national oil corporation (NOC) in one of its social media handles 

Neptune Energy announced drilling operations have begun at its operated Yakoot exploration well, located in the North West El Amal Concession in the southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt 

STRYDE, a global leader in seismic acquisition technology and solutions, has launched STRYDE Lens, a new integrated in-field data processing service, which offers expedited access to interpretation-ready onshore subsurface images 

Latest analysis from Westwood Global Energy Group, the specialist market research and consultancy firm, uncovers a positive outlook for the Nigerian oil and gas sector, following a decade of unmet potential 

Cheiron has made a new oil discovery in the Geisum and Tawila West Concession in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt

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