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The oil and gas exploration company African Petroleum will relinquish its interests in its two operated licences (SL-03-17 and SL-4A-17) in Sierra Leone, according to the company’s press release

TransGlobe Energy Corporation has drilled the South Ghazalat (SGZ) 6X exploration well to a total depth of 5,195 feet and cased the well as a potential Bahariya light oil discovery, the company announced this in a test results for the oil discovery in Egypt

Total, a France-based oil operator, has officially inaugurated the Kaombo project in Angola

Mubadala Petroleum has announced to purchase a 20 per cent participating interest from Eni’s share in the Nour North Sinai Offshore Area concession, an offshore exploration block in Egypt

‘The OPEC and non-OPEC alliance of 25 countries are currently producing too much oil to reverse an oil price decline that has seen Brent crude fall by about US$10 a barrel over the last month and reduce their total revenue by US$500mn a day’

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