Fayez al-Sarraj, head of the presidential council of the Libyan Government of National Accord, met in Tripoli with Eni’s CEO Claudio Descalzi to discuss the general situation of Libya, with a particular focus on the introduction of renewable energy in Libya and Enis activities in the country
AfDB selects Centurion Law Group to strengthen South Sudan’s oil and gas sector
The African Development Bank (AfDB), through its African Legal Support Facility (ALSF) and the National Petroleum and Gas Commission, has selected the Centurion Law Group to build capacity in South Sudan’s oil and gas sector
Africa Oil and Gas Outlook 2019 released by AOW and Menas Associates
Africa’s economic performance looks promising, particularly as global oil markets finally recover from 2015-2016 lows, according to a report by Africa Oil Week (AOW) and Menas Associates on Africa’s oil and gas sector
2019 International oil and gas employment industry looks positive
In a biennial international survey hosted by www.OilandGasJobSearch.com and supported by NES Global Talent, data showed that all areas of the oil and gas employment industry have been growing positively since the last one that took place in 2017
Eni’s Nene Marine discovery a replica in East and Southern African offshore oil and gas
As the Italian energy giant Eni’s Nené Marine field remains a very unique discovery of the decade having taken explorers 20 years of unsuccessful exploration, it leads potential to long-term involvement in Africa’s oil and gas