
SDX energy, an international oil and gas development and production company, has confirmed oil-bearing reservoirs in its Al-Amir SE 24 well in North West Gemsa

The recently completed well AASE-24 was drilled to a depth of 3025 metres where it claims both the Shagar and Rahmi oil reservoirs were encountered.

Log analysis indicated 4.5 metres of net Shagar oil pay and 2 metres of net Rahmi oil pay.

SDX Energy said the well will be put onto production immediately.

SDX Energy CEO Paul Welch said, “The AASE24 well is expected to be another strong producer from the Shagar and is the second of two successful development wells to be drilled in the field this year.”

Welch continued, “The results of these two development wells combined with a nine well over work programme which is currently under way will allow us to maintain production at a plateau rate of 8,000 boepd for the remainder of 2016.”

The well was completed as an oil producer in the Shagar and has flowed on test light 43.6 API at an average rate of 1,714 bopd with 3.062 mmcfd of associated gas.

The North West Gemsa concession is located on the west side of the Gulf of Suez, 300 km southeast of Cairo where SDX Energy has 10 per cent working interest in the development well.