
Cairn Energy has announced that it has flowed oil from a well in the Sangomar Offshore Block

The SNE-2 appraisal well, with a depth of 3,937 feet, is located 62 miles offshore. Drill stem testing over a 39-foot interval flowed at a maximum stabilised, but constrained, rate of approximately 8,000 bpd. At another interval, oil described as relatively low quality, flowed from another interval at a maximum rate of 1,000 bpd.

Resource estimates for the field will be revised and announced after further appraisal activity, with data evaluation continuing. Drilling, coring, logging and drill-site testing at SNE-2 has been completed safely and successfully and the well will be plugged and abandoned.

Simon Thomson, CEO of Cairn Energy, said he is "delighted" with the results from the SNE-2 well.

"The results help to confirm the overall scale and extent of the resource base in Senegal and further appraisal activity is expected to lead to future revision of the estimates," said Mr Thomson. "We now eagerly look forward to the results of the SNE-3 well."