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A new exploration licence has been awarded to a consortium made up of GNPC, Explorco, Vitol, Eni and Woodfields for the Cape Three Points Block 4 in Ghanas offshore Tano Basin

The Sankofa and Gya Nyame fields are already being developed by GNPC, Vitol and Eni to provide gas for Ghana's growing thermal power sector, up to 2036. This licence was awarded following the ratification of an act of parliament in Ghana. The block is 1,127 square kilometres in size and the water depths vary from 100m to 1,200m.

If the exporation results in commercially viable discoveries, the project will be able to use infrastructure currently under development. It is hoped that the site can commence oil production next year, while gas production is expected to commence from 2018.

The existing project involves the development of multiple subsea wells tied back to an FPSO which wil be connected to land via a gas export line. 

Vitol has been involved in E&P in Ghana since 2006 when it was awarded the Sankofa and Gya Nyame licences. IN 2009, Eni farmed into the licence and took over as operator.