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Located approximately 100 km off the coast of Angola, the Kaminho project involves the development of the Cameia and Golfinho oil fields. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

Development of the Kaminho project in Angola is off to a good start with Saipem bagging three contracts from TotalEnergies-subsidiary, TotalEnergies EP Angola Block 20

Located approximately 100 km off the coast of Angola, the Kaminho project involves the development of the Cameia and Golfinho oil fields. 

An integrated business model that offers offshore and plant project management and engineering services, combined with a state-of-the-art fleet and local fabrication capacity, makes Saipem well-equiped to deliver the US$3.7bn contracts with diverse scopes of work.

SURF, FPSO and O&M contracts

The first contract is for engineering, procurement, construction, transportation and commissioning services of the Kaminho floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel.

The second contract outlines the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the Kaminho FPSO vessel for a firm period of 12 years with a potential eight-year extension. These services will draw on the expertise acquired from three other FPSOs that are currently deployed in Angola.

The third contract involves the engineering, procurement, construction, installation, pre-commissioning and assistance for the commissioning and start-up of a subsea, umbilicals, risers and flowlines (SURF) package, which is made up of approximately 30 km of 8” and 10" subsea flowlines and risers, and umbilicals.

The associated structures will be fabricated in Saipem’s local yard in Ambriz.

For the offshore campaign, and specifically for the J-lay vessel, Saipem will deploy its FDS majorly through local supply chain for logistics and fabrication activities. 

The project adds to the 'resurgence of activity offshore Angola', as Chris Dyer of Oceaneering put it, while commenting on another TotalEnergies EP Angola initiative, the GIR FLEX'resurgence of activity offshore Angola', as Chris Dyer of Oceaneering put it, while commenting on another TotalEnergies EP Angola initiative, the GIR FLEX.