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Ophir Energy has concluded its month-long 3D seismic survey of exploration block Junon, situated 115km southeast of the main Seychelles island of Mahé

The FTSE-listed company had signed a farm-in deal with Australian oil company WHL Energy in March this year under which Ophir Energy gained 75 per cent stake in WHL Energy’s offshore Seychelles assets in return for an investment of up to US$17mn on exploration activities, including the conducting survey of 1,526 sq km.

Norwegian service company Dolphin Geophysical had won the contract for the survey and their 3D vessel Polar Duchess started acquisition in June 2014.

Patrick Joseph, exploration manager at PetroSeychelles, said, “The Polar Duchess started acquisition on 21 June, they called into port for a crew change on 9 July and acquisition was resumed the next day. They have acquired in total 1,526 sq km of 3D seismic data and associated gravity and magnetic data.”

Dolphin Geophysical to conduct 3D seismic survey offshore Seychelles