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Additional activities are being progressed across the Corcel acreage in KON-11, KON-12, and KON-16. (Image source: Corcel)

In an update on the testing of the TO-14 well in the onshore Block KON-11, in Angola, Corcel Plc has noted that testing of the well continues following significant weather and equipment related delays earlier in the year 

Reactivation of the fractured carbonate reservoir has been challenging, however there is continued focus on engineering solutions to flow test the well from the most prospective zones identified during the drilling phase.

Continued engineering work is being conducted to identify solutions to flow both TO-14 and the yet untested TO-13 well. The operator is following through with the completion programme for both wells with continual updates to the programme based on new information obtained with progression of the engineering work.

Additional activities are being progressed across the Corcel acreage in KON-11, KON-12, and KON-16. An eFTG survey (electromagnetic full-tensor gravity) acquisition is scheduled to begin by early May. This data will be acquired over the 3 blocks in which the Company has an interest, and will provide a quasi-3D resolution of the structures across the area, which will aid in prospect identification and delineation.