
Bowleven, the Africa-focused oil and gas company, has announced the spud of the IE-4 appraisal well at the Etinde block, Cameroon, by the block’s operator, New Age Cameroon Offshore Petroleum SA

The IE-4 well is the second of two appraisal wells to be drilled in 2018. The Etinde joint venture partners have contracted the Vantage jack-up rig “Topaz Driller” for this campaign. Drilling and logging operations of IE-4 is expected to take approximately 90 days in total with Schlumberger providing most of the drilling services.

The IE-4 well will target a previously undrilled sand package "Drillbit" of Intra-Isongo origin, which is believed to be analogous to the 410 sand package at the IM-5 location. Any discovery in this appraisal well could prove up or de-risk a further 0.2 to 0.6 tcf of resources (Drillbit, Bolt, Crowbar sites).

According to Bowleven, it will be required to drill to -2840 meters True Vertical Depth Subsea (TVDSS) to fully penetrate the prognosed reservoir targets. In addition, approximately 50-metre rat hole will be required to allow for logging sump. Well Total Depth will be at -2890 meters TVDSS.

New Age is the operator of the Etinde field, with a 37.5 per cent working interest. Bowleven and LUKOIL are partners with 25 per cent and 37.5 per cent working interest respectively. The company intends to announce the final well results after the end of drilling and testing operations.