
Africa Oil has announced that the Etom-2 well in Block 13T, northern Kenya has discovered 102 metres of net oil pay in two columns

The well was to explore the north flank of the Etom structure in an untested fault block identified by recent 3D seismic, according to Africa Oil.

“This discovery confirms a new potential exploration fairway in the northern portion of the Lokichar Basin. This result will greatly aid us in adding critical resources for the basin development as well as enhancing the recently announced farm out deal with Maersk Oil,” stated Africa Oil CEO Keith Hill.

Africa Oil has a 50 per cent interest in Blocks 13T and 10BB with equal partner and operator Tullow Oil. Following the previously announced farm-out agreement, Africa Oil will have a 25 per cent interest in Blocks 13T and 10BB.

Five completed zones of the Ngamia-8 production well were tested separately at a cumulative rate of 2,400 bbl/d and all apart from the lowest zone produced without artificial lift. Communication between the producer well and an observation well, at a distance of around 500 metres, was also demonstrated.