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Mozambique Oil and Gas Chamber rebrands as Mozambique Energy Chamber

The Mozambique Oil and Gas Chamber, in move to promote inclusivity and offer support to all facets of the Mozambican energy sector, has announced that the organisation will be rebranding to the Mozambique Energy Chamber

As a key supporter and facilitator of Mozambique’s energy sector success, the rebranding marks a turning point for the organisation as it moves to accelerate country wide oil, gas and renewable energy growth in a post-COVID-19, energy transition environment.

Within the natural gas industry, the chamber has dedicated itself to helping establish an enabling environment for international investors, while at the same time supporting national companies across the entire value chain increase their participation in the sector. 

By ensuring domestic companies have access to opportunities in small, medium and large-scale project developments, particularly regarding gas-to-power, liquefied natural gas and distribution, the chamber has reaffirmed its commitment to Mozambique’s socioeconomic growth. Now, with the rebrand, the company will be expanding its portfolio, offering support across a myriad of sectors including renewables, infrastructure, and technology.

“The chamber has always been a strong supporter of the country’s energy progress and now, with the rebrand, will be even better positioned to serve the entire industry and its value chains,” stated Florival Mucave, executive chair of the Mozambique Energy Chamber.

The chamber’s move to rebrand comes at a time when Mozambique is grappling with the effects of three crises: namely, the COVID-19 pandemic; the climate crisis; and insurgency in the northern province of Cabo-Delgado.

Accordingly, as an advocate for the entire Mozambican energy sector, the chamber has been responsive to the demand of the market. Through the rebrand, the organisation has made the energy transition a priority, while at the same time continuing to promote the needs of the Mozambican people.