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Join leading women at the 8th Global Women Petroleum and Energy Club Luncheon

Leading women will converge at the upcoming 8th Global Women Petroleum & Energy Club Luncheon in London that will take place on Thursday 25th May 2017 at the Waldorf Hilton at 1pm 

We are very much looking forward to hearing from our Guest Speaker, Sandy Stash, Group VP – Safety, Sustainability and External Affairs at Tullow Oil and she will be preceded by an Introduction & Address by Fiona MacAulay, Chief Operating Officer, Rockhopper Exploration. It is a sign of the times that we have a good number of senior men of oil and gas companies registered to attend this event and encouraging to us that a ‘Women’s Club’ is no longer considered a cabal of ‘women only’ which creates a powerful and unique platform for advancing women in the oil, gas and energy industry. We are also delighted to welcome Tullow Oil and Rockhopper Exploration as sponsors for this event and would like to thank them for their support and vision in supporting this initiative. 

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to join this exclusive and high-level network and reap the following benefits…

Opportunity to network with senior executives and business leaders.

Enhance leadership through connections and contacts.

Share experiences with peers and develop business leads.

Experience speakers that will share with you their views on women in the oil, gas and energy industry.

Global Women Petroleum & Energy Club is part of the suite of Clubs and Networks of Frontier Communications, a leading communications firm in the world upstream industry, with a unique portfolio of products, services, clubs and events. Our events provide access to an excellent platform for women in the oil, gas and energy sector to network, share experiences and enhance leadership. 

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