
The government of Morocco has announced to conclude the plans to develop the proposed Morocco-Nigeria Gas Pipeline (MNGP), an onshore and offshore gas pipeline project that aims to deliver natural gas resources of Nigeria to Morocco through West and North Africa

A downstream division of Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines (ONHYM) is set up that will look after Morocco’s interest in hydrocarbon exploration and production as well as it’s mining resources, while also being in charge of the NMGP project.

The Spanish multination Naturgy Energy Group has recently announced that it was in talks with Morocco and Algeria to potentially achieve an extension of the gas transit agreement for supplies of Algerian gas in the Gaz-Maghreb-Europe (GME) pipeline via Morocco to Spain.

The Nigeria-Morocco Gas Pipeline was proposed in a December 2016 agreement between the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and the Moroccan Office National des Hydrocarbures et des Mines (National Board of Hydrocarbons and Mines) (ONHYM). The NMGP is set to deliver natural gas resources of Nigeria to 13 countries in the West and North Africa as a continuation of the existing West Africa Gas Pipeline (WAGP) between Nigeria, Benin, Togo and Ghana.