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A partnership between Trelleborg and First Subsea has come up with a safe solution to a difficult problem faced by the offshore oil and gas industry.

Nigeria plans to repair pipelines in the Niger delta, increasing production of crude by the oil-rich country and easing worldwide supply concerns.

A NEW MILESTONE has been reached in the offshore drilling industry. The first circular drilling rig prepared for drilling at a water depth of almost 4,200 m was named at COSCO Shipyard Groups Qidong Shipyard on June 28.

CALEDYNE, A LEADING energy industry engineering services and products specialist, today launches its balance pump, part of its world-first complete commercial deliquification offering,

NEXANS HASā€ˆRECEIVED a US$9.8mn order from Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) to manufacture and supply the topside power, control,

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