

Emerson has introduced The Plantweb Insight Inline Corrosion application to provide the oil and gas industry real-time interpretation and analysis of critical data that helps prioritise maintenance, make informed asset integrity decisions and improve worker safety

Gardner Denver Petroleum & Industrial Pumps (P&IP), the leading total solutions provider for the drilling, well servicing and frac pumps market, has entered into a six-month field trial of its new Thunder 5000 HP Quintuplex pump, at STEP Energy Services (STEP) in Alberta, Canada

ControlAir LLC, a manufacturer of precision pneumatic and electro-pneumatic control products, has announced the expansion of the Type 2000 Electro-Pneumatic Valve Positioner Series to include worldwide safety approvals for use with natural gas when paired with the Type 950 Explosion-proof I/P Transducer

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