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National Oil Companies (NOC) need to rethink their operating model and clearly link it with their strategic objectives to deliver the expected future production, cost and greenhouse gas reduction impacts, according to a new BCG report

Hydro Drilling Global, an affiliate of Hydro Drilling, has announced the signing of a distribution agreement with Nabors Drilling International Limited (NDIL), an affiliate of Nabors Industries, to market and deploy Nabors’ best-in-class technologies and services in Europe and Africa

iGAS, a subsidiary of CEF SOC Limited (CEF) and Companhia Mocambiçana de Gasoduto (CMG), a subsidiary of Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos, EP (ENH), have acquired a 30% equity interest in the ROMPCO pipeline in Mozambique

Baker Hughes and Petrosafe, a subsidiary of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC), have agreed to deploy Baker Hughes’ flare.IQ technology at the APC Refinery in Alexandria, Egypt, as the initial phase of a broader flare recovery partnership to help reduce emissions from oil and gas flaring operations

China is expected to commence operations of 44 crude oil refinery projects during 2022-2026, accounting for 24% of all crude oil refinery projects in Asia, driven by growing refining capacity to meet the rising demand for plastics and petroleum products, reaveled GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company

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