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BP has announced that it has discovered gas in the Salamat well located in the North Damietta concession offshore Egypt

BG Group has announced that it has hit more gas on Block 4 offshore Tanzania

ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL), the foreign arm of India’s state-run Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), has announced the signing of an agreement with US energy firm Anadarko to buy 10 per cent of its stake in the Rovuma gas field offshore Mozambique for US$2.64bn

Sunbird Energy Limited has announced that it will receive US$700,000 from the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) to develop a sub-surface plan for the Ibhubesi offshore gas project in South Africa

Indian oil and gas company ONGC and Oil India (OIL) have acquired a jointly-owned 10 per cent stake of Videocon Industries in the Mozambique gas field for US$2.5bn

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