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AFRICA OIL PROVIDED an update on the Companys planned 2011 exploration activities and capital budget.

p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">AFRICA OIL PROVIDED an update on the Companys planned 2011 exploration activities and capital budget.

LONDON LISTED BOWLEVEN has started drilling a sidetrack to its Sapele-1 well in the Douala basin, offshore Cameroon.

p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">LONDON LISTED BOWLEVEN has started drilling a sidetrack to its Sapele-1 well in the Douala basin, offshore Cameroon.

BRAZILIAN STATE PLAYER Petrobras has bought a 50 per cent stake in Block 4 off the coast of Benin.

p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">BRAZILIAN STATE PLAYER Petrobras has bought a 50 per cent stake in Block 4 off the coast of Benin.

OIL PRODUCTION IN the Republic of Congo is holding up. But it is a challenge.

WITH THE FIRST official flow of oil from Ghana’s lucrative Jubilee offshore field mid December, exploration/production partners: Government of Ghana, state-owned Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) and Kosmos Energy of U.S., the technical operator have reached a settlement that could lead to Kosmos resurrecting its bid to sell her 23.491 per cent interest in the field.

p style="margin-bottom: 0cm;">WITH THE FIRST official flow of oil from Ghana’s lucrative Jubilee offshore field mid December, exploration/production partners: Government of Ghana, state-owned Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) and Kosmos Energy of U.S., the technical operator have reached a settlement that could lead to Kosmos resurrecting its bid to sell her 23.491 per cent interest in the field.

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